Monday, May 21, 2012


equally busy. Today is packed, and doesn't include time for things like blogging or cleaning the house, which is all I really want to do. Clean house, play video games, knit. Instead I have

First, in the morning, I will find my passport and bring it in with my box of envelopes to make a copy and mail in my voter registration.
Then I will arrange that meeting later this week
Then I will set up a car appointment to get the former problem fixed
Then I will email L+P
Then I will set up an appt with caps bobdammit
Then I will look into the proposal deadline for APO and its requirements, and see how much I can write up in 1 hour
Then I will work for 1 hour on the TPT essays
Then I will work for 1 hour on an abstract of the paper + a draft of the email to the BH conference
Then I will look into how much $ remains and if I should be arranging any other travel
Then I will contact: 1) T@London about VLT proposal 2) M@DARK about visiting talk 3) C@Arecibo about visiting talk? (but access data first somehow)
Then I have a 2 hour or less meeting with Dr. D
Then I should work on R's research for 2 hours

Today is going to be a kickass day. Though I wish I'd gotten laundry done over the weekend :P

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